It’s a Writing Thing

To publish…or not. It’s a serious decision. You think when a publisher says “Hey! We want your book!” that’s it. You’ve arrived. Your book will be published and on every store shelf in the free world. But…what if it’s not?

What if the publisher says they love it…BUT. But they want to change everything about it. Ever. Y. Thing. Love the concept, love the story, love the writing, BUT we want it to look like this other book in our line up. The other book is in a different tense. Written a completely different way. Almost to the point of being a different genre.

You, my friend, have a decision to make.

If you change to suit, GOOD FOR YOU! It will be a lot of work but in the end you will be happy you took the plunge!

If you walk away, GOOD FOR YOU! It will be a lot of work but in the end you will be happy you took the plunge!

So what am I blathering on about, anyway?

On Scene will be coming out in 2021. It was a long and interesting road to get here. I’m proud of every step. Don’t think that one person is doing better/more/whatever than you. They’re not. We’re all in the same storm, just in different boats.

Keep safe, be well, and own those decisions!